currently coveting

Trench Coats and Minis: the Couple that Should Never Break Up 

Okay we all know what it’s like to wake up on the wrong side of the bed and we allll have those days where your barista did not understand that when you said “almond milk”, you meant the almond stuff…not the cow stuff. But you guys, I didn’t even wake up on the wrong side of the bed today. I just woke up on the WRONG day! Well, to me it was the wrong day. I totally thought today was Friday and I couldn’t have been more excited for a nice relaxing weekend after being sooo exhausted from doing a whole lotta nothing on the two snowdays we had. But still. Sleeping in is the best you guys and I was pumped for a good Saturday morning sleep-in sesh.


Denim on Denim

Denim distractions. Those are my favorite kinds of distractions. Online shopping with about a thousand dollars worth of clothes in my cart, then moving on to a new online shop to browse…without purchasing the hundred items of clothing and accessories, of course! I started this blog because I am passionate about putting outfits together and styling each one …and it has definitely been a long time coming.


about allie

Denim Distractions is a fashion and lifestyle blog, created by Allie as a way to create and share her daily fashion diary to those looking for inspiration. As someone who was constantly finding fashion inspiration by the people who surrounded her, she decided that in a city as diverse and timelessly trendy as New York City, that she wanted to share her take on style to those who, like her, are always looking for inspiration.

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